Saturday 4 May 2013

MAIN Post 12.7: Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

During our preliminary task a lot of the time the camera angles were not always straight. This made the overall look of the film looks very amateur which was not a look of which I wanted. 

For this reason when I was filming the opening sequence of 'Contamination' for the main fast I made sure to use the spirt level on the tripod every time I moved the camera, although this was challenging because we was outside and the floor was very uneven.

In my preliminary task it was the first time I had used the rule of thirds and we was only just getting used to it. For this reason I sometimes broke the rule of thirds during our shot reverse shot conversation of the two characters talking.

During our main task I made sure I used the rule of thirds the whole time as this makes the shots look a lot better and focused on the character.

Another thing that we have improved upon form our preliminary task is the acting skills. In our preliminary task the actor looks at the camera when he is talking which takes away form the realism of the scene as it does not look like he is interacting with the other character.

However in our opening sequence of 'Contamination' the acting skills had been improved and in the dialogue the actor does not look at the camera. This adds the realism to the scene and gives a more professional look.   

In the main task I have improved a lot on my editing skills as well. This time i was more familiar with the basic techniques needed to used Adobe Premiere Pro so became more adventurous with the editing techniques of which I used. In the main task I added in different transitions such a dip to blacks and cross dissolves, changed the level of lighting and sound and also changed the speed of some clips. This helped to give the eery look to the opening sequence that I was looking for. 

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