I watched these two video interviews with Kyle Cooper who is a famous title designer in which he discusses what he has used in the past in order to make his title sequences stand out. Watching these will give me an idea of good aspects to include when i make my own title sequence. The two links that I watched the videos from are linked below.
After watching these clips of Cooper's interview i now have a better idea of what goes into making a opening sequence interesting, eye catching and stand out. An opening sequence should be the first hook of the film, it should make the audience gain an interest in the film and hint towards what will happen within the film. In the interview, Kyle Cooper also talks about how an opening sequence can sometimes be used and an extra scene at the beginning of a film as a type of prologue. This can be used to give the audiance information about the story line which will help them to understand the film later on.
Watching these interviews has influence my ideas of the opening sequence as it has shown me how import the typography is within the opening sequence. Cooper spoke about how the typography can not be an afterthought and can be used to add to the overall impression that the opening sequence had. Kyle Cooper's interviews have also taught me that in order to get a good opening sequence it helps to be adventurous and try different ways of doing things to get different effects.
These interviews have helped me to gain an greater understanding of the importance of opening sequences and will help our group find the best ideas when we are designing and creating our own opening sequence.
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